Supporting Children’s Growth through School and Community Engagement

A collaborative effort between schools and communities is essential to foster well-rounded individuals. The research-based framework developed by Johns Hopkins University outlines six types of community involvement: parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making, and collaborating with the community. Integrating these forms of involvement into a school's mission can significantly enhance student outcomes and overall well-being.

At 7EDU, we're here to help families and students on their educational journey. From free webinars to engaging events, we're here to build meaningful connections and support families achieve their educational goals and succeed in their academic journey.

3 Practical Ways for Parents to Engage with Schools and Communities

1. Utilize Digital Platforms

Digital platforms offer an effective means for parents to stay informed and involved in their children's education. Subscribing to newsletters is a great way for parents to stay updated on news, events, and educational resources.

For example, subscribing to our newsletter keeps you informed with the latest news in education, ensuring you're always up-to-date on current trends and developments. We also include blogs that range from latest tips, strategies, and information on college prep activities, including the application process, college admissions, university policies, and more.

2. Join Webinars and Workshops

Participating in webinars and workshops is another valuable way for parents to enhance their involvement in their children's education. These online sessions cover a wide range of topics relevant to parenting and education, offering insights and strategies for supporting children's academic and social development.

From tips on effective communication with teachers to understanding complex curriculum standards, webinars and workshops provide parents with practical knowledge and skills to better navigate their children's educational journey. By joining these sessions, parents can gain valuable insights and connect with other parents and educators, fostering a collaborative approach to supporting children's growth and success. Here at 7EDU, we host our Counseling Workshops Series, discussing a variety of topics which range from the latest trends in college admissions, test prep, academic enrichment, and more. Most of our webinars are also free allowing you to listen to in-depth analyses from industry experts from the comfort of your own home.

3. Participate in School and Community Events

Parents can support their children's growth by actively participating in school and community events. Attending parent-teacher conferences, school plays, sports events, and community service projects helps parents engage with their children's educational environment and connect with teachers and other families. This involvement shows children that their education is a priority and fosters a sense of community and belonging.

At 7EDU, we host free events as a platform for building connections within our community. Just as parents play a crucial role in supporting their children's growth through active engagement, our events provide opportunities for families to come together. From workshops and a variety of community gatherings, we encourage meaningful interactions among parents, educators, and students, contributing to the creation of a supportive community where everyone feels connected and supported.

Benefits of School-Community Collaboration

Education is not just about academics; it encompasses the holistic development of children, preparing them for real-world challenges. 

Collaboration between schools and communities yields numerous positive outcomes for students. Academic performance improves as students tend to achieve better grades, and attendance rates increase with fewer instances of class skipping. Moreover, more students achieve higher qualifications, leading to increased educational attainment.


Looking for counselor near you? From college admissions guidance to academic support, test prep, and more, 7EDU helps students achieve their goals.

Test Prep

Intensive SAT, ACT, and AP test prep tutoring course online or on-campus in Cupertino, CA. We offer FREE Mock Test and FREE Diagnostic Test.

Volunteer Opportunities

Join our volunteer programs and make a positive impact on your local community, or travel abroad for a unique learning experience.
7EDU Impact Academy 28 May, 2024
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